Urja Mantra

For 12 dimensional power, energy & wellness: very powerful! 

Known as the Urja Mantra or power mantra, this mantra heals and empowers human welness.


Human power and welness has a 12 dimensional structure, represented by the 10 fingers and 2 palms.

10 fingers depict the following aspects of wellness and power: 

1 Physical 2 spiritual 3 psychological 4 social 5 consciousness

6 intellectual 7 emotional 8 environmental 9 occupational 10 financial

and 2 palms represent the universe with sound Om


This mantra empowers each individual aspect of human wellness and power to energize, intensify and balance the forces that makes us stronger and powerful in life.


It is an amazing source of cosmic energy working with you to help generate abundance in each aspect of life.

When chanted or listened to for just 12 minutes daily, this brings an immensely positive energy and power in you.


The more you follow this mantra, the more stronger you will feel. It electrifies your aura with wellness.


It also helps balance the Chakras in your body by its cyclical force. You will see a big change in your feelings of wellness

in just a few minutes. 
